Monday, March 12, 2012

A Poem for My Mother

This poem is very hard to write
Can't find the right word to say it,
I wish this simple writings
touches your heart.

Even if you reprimand me from my wrong deeds
Even if you nagged me with the barrage of whys and whats?
I still like it
'cause it only symbolize your unfading love to me

you are strong enough                                                              
to carry the world for us
strength to endure childbirth
and rejection from your children

you posses hardness
that never give up
you take care of your family
through sickness without complaining                        

You always provide our needs,
Never fail to think about our future,
Sometimes you forgot about yourselves,
Your family is what you care the most.

When I became a mother,
I wish I could be someone like you,
I know I am not good enough
But I promise to do the right thing.

The beauty of you is not in the clothes you wear
Not figure that you carries
Not the way you comb your hair
but your eyes,
and smile that lightens our heart,
and the hand that you used to give your care and love.

I Love You

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