Monday, March 12, 2012


            The dream of many Filipino is to work abroad and eventually reside there permanently. They believe that life in the overseas is a paradise and once you get there, you can become rich and stable.

            Since the 1970s the Philippines has supplied all kinds of skilled and low-skilled workers to the world's more developed regions. As of December 2004, an estimated 8.1 million Filipinos — nearly 10 percent of the country's 85 million people — were working and/or residing in close to 200 countries and territories. This only shows the eagerness of Filipinos in working abroad. The main reason is the economic growth that could not keep up with population growth. The country was hard pressed to provide jobs and decent wages and had severe    balance of payment problems.

            The absence of sustained economic development, political instability, a growing population, double-digit unemployment levels, and low wages continue to compel people to look abroad. Filipino's working brought both advantages and disadvantages. But now they are treating as our present national heroes. In every sacrifices they did, they not only help their family but also country as a whole.
  It was sad to think that here in the Philippines they are treated special but in foreign country they are treated as slave. But what can we do? That is the only way to survive and live.

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