Monday, March 12, 2012

High achievers

            Everybody has the capacity to be a high achiever but not everybody gets to be or wants to be one. Do you really want to become a high achiever? High achiever usually spend a lot of time alone, working. They face a lot of stress and rejection, yet they are flexible . They take risks. If you are concerned with the latest in fashion or cars, if you like to socialize a lot, if you are impressed by big desk, fancy offices and titles, you do not have a traits of a high achiever.

            Do you have strong inner desire to reach out? The desire to create, achieve, and reach out for a new experiences is very powerful in a high achiever. Are you deeply and passionately interested in something? Do you have message or idea that you want to share with the world? This kind of obsession is one of the necessary ingredients of becoming a high achiever.

            What matters most to you? Money, recognition, fame, and material possessions are not yet important to high achievers. Most important are self-respect, pride of accomplishment, the capacity for love, and positive outlook in life.

            What are you willing to invest? Every achievement requires a big investment in terms of energy, time, effort, and dedication.

            How much are you willing to endure? Most high achievers have made great sacrifices to reach their goal.

            What are you willing to give up? You must be willing to give up immediate pleasures and comforts to make your life long dream come true.

            Are you willing to start at the lowest level if necessary, or add more to your present work? Nobody gets to the top right away. Time and hard work are needed for your climb to success.

            Are you willing to think for yourself? If you think for yourself and not just follow others, then you have what it takes to be a high achiever.

            Do you settle for nothing less than your full potential?

            If you have accomplished something, do you reach farther for more accomplishment? High achievers always stretch themselves, wondering what to do next.

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