Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Letter To Pedro, U.S. Citizen, Also Called Pete (Rene Estella Amper)

Pete, old friend;
there isn't really much change
in our hometown since you left.

This morning I couldn't find anymore
the grave of Simeona, the cat we buried
at the foot of Miguel's mango tree,
when we were in grade four,
after she was hit by a truck while crossing
the street. The bulldozer has messed it up
while making the feeder road into the mountains
to reach the hearts of the farmers.
The farmers come down every Sunday
to sell their agony and their sweat for
a few pesos, lose in the cockpit or get
drunk on the way home.

A steel bridge named after the congressman's wife
now spans the gray river where Tasyo, the old
goat, had split the skin of our young lizards
to make us a man many years ago.

The long blue hills where we
used to shoot birds with slingshot or spend
the summer afternoons we loved so much doing
nothing in the tall grass have been bought
by the mayor's son. Now there's a barbed wire
fence about them; the birds have gone away.

The mayor owns a big sugar plantation, three
new cars, and a mansion with the gate overhung
with sampaguita. Inside the gate
are guys who carry a rifle and a pistol.

We still go to Konga's store for rice
and sardines and sugar and nails for the coffin.

Still only a handful go to mass on Sundays.
In the church the men talk, sleep; the children play.
The priest is sad.

Last night the storm came and blew away
the cornflowers. The cornfields are full of cries.

Your cousin, Julia, has just become a whore.
She liked good clothes, good food, big money.
That's why she became a whore.
Now our hometown has seven whores.

Pete, old friend,
every time we have good reason to get drunk
and be carried home in a wheelbarrow
we always remember you. Oh, we miss
both Pete and Pedro.

Remember us to your American wife,
you lucky bastard. Islaw, your cock-eyed
uncle, now calls himself Stanley
after he began wearing the clothes you sent
him last Christmas.

P.S. Tasyo, the old goat,
Sends your lizard his warmest congratulations.

Monday, March 12, 2012

A Poem for My Mother

This poem is very hard to write
Can't find the right word to say it,
I wish this simple writings
touches your heart.

Even if you reprimand me from my wrong deeds
Even if you nagged me with the barrage of whys and whats?
I still like it
'cause it only symbolize your unfading love to me

you are strong enough                                                              
to carry the world for us
strength to endure childbirth
and rejection from your children

you posses hardness
that never give up
you take care of your family
through sickness without complaining                        

You always provide our needs,
Never fail to think about our future,
Sometimes you forgot about yourselves,
Your family is what you care the most.

When I became a mother,
I wish I could be someone like you,
I know I am not good enough
But I promise to do the right thing.

The beauty of you is not in the clothes you wear
Not figure that you carries
Not the way you comb your hair
but your eyes,
and smile that lightens our heart,
and the hand that you used to give your care and love.

I Love You


I missed the time we play together,
the time that you seat next to me
the time you tease
and make fun of me                                                         

your laugh that annoy me
your hairstyle that irritate me
your smile that confuse me
but you know what I like about you the most?
It's your voice that is music into my ears

sometimes I find myself crazy
it's strange but when you were around I hate your guts
but your absence has me missing you

but now, we treat each other like a stranger                       
you can't give your smile to me
or even a simple greet,
you treat me just like another stranger
I guess I'll go, I best be on my way out

The Power of Friendship

In the kingdom of Syracuse, Sicily there was a tyrant or king named Dionysius. He was extremely cruel and wicked. In spite of his great power, Dionysius had no friends. He was a lonely man, suspicious of everybody.

            A group of men who realized that many of the acts of the king was unjust and unwise. One of them is Damon. He was courageous enough to speak publicly against the cruelty of the tyrant. When Dionysius learn about it, he ordered to put Damon in to dungeon. Damon was sentence to die.

            He bravely accepted his death, but he wanted to see his family before he died. He begged permission, but he wanted to see his family and bid them good-bye. Dionysius laughed, “ If I give you permission, what guarantee do I have that you will not escape? I give no prisoner of mine a chance to save himself.”

            “ I know that,” Damon answered, “ but I have a friend Pythias. He is willing to take my place until I return.”

            Dionysius was astounded. “Does Pythias realize that, if you do not return, he must die in your place?” Pythias accepted this terms. Friendship between the two was so strong that Pythias felt it an honor to suffer death in place of Damon. Dionysius granted Damon six hour, Dionysius descended into the prison to see Pythias die. He ridiculed Pythias for trusting his friend. Then he ordered the executioners to delay no longer the execution.

            At this very moment, Damon,breathless and mud-stained, dashed into the prison. He embraced his friend and explained that his horse became exhausted and died. He had to find another horse to continue his journey. Now he was ready to die, happy because he had been able to bid farewell to his family and return in time to save his friend's life.

            Dionysius was amazed. Never in his life he had seen such loyalty. Never he had imagined that a man would be willing to die that his friend might live. He was filled with great warmth and compassion. Now he knew that true friendship was more precious that his power and wealth. The proud tyrant walked over to the friends and embraced them. Humbly, he begged them to make him their friend. Damon and Pythias and Dionysius walked out of the darkness of the prison into the sunlight together.


Do you fell uncomfortable n the social situation or do you just avoid them altogether? Do you feel your palm and heart trembling? Do you heart beat faster and have rapid breathing? Those are sign of shyness. That is what I felt every time I am talking to others or during class recitation.  Always stammer and can not speak or think clearly.
            I read lots of article about “ How To Overcome Your Shyness?” At am happy  first it was really hard but I am happy because little by little I learned how to break out of my shell.

            Don't let others stereotype you. If you are always shy, they will think you are weak and can not do anything. It feels like they don't believe in what you said and doesn't want you to interact during group discussions.

            Are you afraid of reporting in front of your classmates? Do you always think, “what if I failed?, “what if my classmates laugh at me?, “what if I messed up?. Hey! Of course you have to practice. Like the old says “ practice makes perfect”. First, gather all the information you need in your report. Read your report many times until you already know your topic. For sure you didn't have to memorize your report. Then practice delivering your speech in front of the mirror. Always do this prior to the date of your report. Prepare some guide cards before your report. During the report, speak louder so you classmates may hear what you are saying. Have a self-confidence!

“The way you overcome your shyness is to become so wrapped up in something you forget to be afraid” --- Former U.S. First lady, Claudia Johnson.

            Is it hard for you to ask permission from your parents or friends, because probably they would say NO? Well remember that you will always get no if you never ask them of what you want. Whatever it is you should try, there's nothing to loose.

My unspoken Prayers

I asked god for strength that I might achieve;
I was made weak that I might learn to humbly obey.
I asked for health that I might do greater things,
I was given infirmity that I might do better things.

I asked for richness that I might be happy,
I was given poverty that I might be wise.
I asked for all things that I might enjoy life;
I was given life that I might enjoy all things.

I got nothing that I asked for,
But everything that I hoped for.
Almost despise myself, my unspoken prayers were answered.
I am, among all men, most richly blessed.

letter to friend

Hello, Old Friend
It's been a long time since we saw each other and talked,
I really missed you friend,
I wish you could visit our place.
I know that you wanted to,
Because you also missed our favorite place.

But there are many changes in or hometown since you left.
The rice field that we always visited together were destroyed by the storm and flood,
Our trees that we used to climb together were cut down.
The camia flowers that bloom during spring were withered and gone.
We had also built our new house.
I wish you could see it soon.

Do you still remember the gift that you gave?
I still have it.
Whenever look at it,
It reminds me of the memories that we shared together.

Always take care of yourself.

                                                                                                                                                                        Love lots,
                                                                                                                                                                                    Raine <3

High achievers

            Everybody has the capacity to be a high achiever but not everybody gets to be or wants to be one. Do you really want to become a high achiever? High achiever usually spend a lot of time alone, working. They face a lot of stress and rejection, yet they are flexible . They take risks. If you are concerned with the latest in fashion or cars, if you like to socialize a lot, if you are impressed by big desk, fancy offices and titles, you do not have a traits of a high achiever.

            Do you have strong inner desire to reach out? The desire to create, achieve, and reach out for a new experiences is very powerful in a high achiever. Are you deeply and passionately interested in something? Do you have message or idea that you want to share with the world? This kind of obsession is one of the necessary ingredients of becoming a high achiever.

            What matters most to you? Money, recognition, fame, and material possessions are not yet important to high achievers. Most important are self-respect, pride of accomplishment, the capacity for love, and positive outlook in life.

            What are you willing to invest? Every achievement requires a big investment in terms of energy, time, effort, and dedication.

            How much are you willing to endure? Most high achievers have made great sacrifices to reach their goal.

            What are you willing to give up? You must be willing to give up immediate pleasures and comforts to make your life long dream come true.

            Are you willing to start at the lowest level if necessary, or add more to your present work? Nobody gets to the top right away. Time and hard work are needed for your climb to success.

            Are you willing to think for yourself? If you think for yourself and not just follow others, then you have what it takes to be a high achiever.

            Do you settle for nothing less than your full potential?

            If you have accomplished something, do you reach farther for more accomplishment? High achievers always stretch themselves, wondering what to do next.


            The dream of many Filipino is to work abroad and eventually reside there permanently. They believe that life in the overseas is a paradise and once you get there, you can become rich and stable.

            Since the 1970s the Philippines has supplied all kinds of skilled and low-skilled workers to the world's more developed regions. As of December 2004, an estimated 8.1 million Filipinos — nearly 10 percent of the country's 85 million people — were working and/or residing in close to 200 countries and territories. This only shows the eagerness of Filipinos in working abroad. The main reason is the economic growth that could not keep up with population growth. The country was hard pressed to provide jobs and decent wages and had severe    balance of payment problems.

            The absence of sustained economic development, political instability, a growing population, double-digit unemployment levels, and low wages continue to compel people to look abroad. Filipino's working brought both advantages and disadvantages. But now they are treating as our present national heroes. In every sacrifices they did, they not only help their family but also country as a whole.
  It was sad to think that here in the Philippines they are treated special but in foreign country they are treated as slave. But what can we do? That is the only way to survive and live.